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How to Get 500 Free Leads from Facebook with 1 Hour of Work

One of the most powerful ways to build a Facebook Group or Fan Page size is virally. Whenever someone joins your Group, all their Friends will see that on their Wall.

The problem for us, as business owners, is that most people will not rush to join a business’s Group or Fan Page (especially if they are not familiar with you or your business).


Well, I stumbled on this trick during the Presidential elections last year.

I noticed a lot of Groups and Fan Pages being formed and growing rapidly…all centered around then Senator Obama. Either people that were rabid fans…or people that were strongly Anti-Obama.

I joined a few of the groups and saw one them rise from several hundred to tens of thousands of members in a matter of weeks.

My radar went off immediately.

I already knew that almost all of my clients leaned to the right politically, So I created a group named, “Entrepreneurs Against Obama” (taken down after the election).

Then I sent invites to about 100 or so Friends that I knew were business owners. Within a week it had over 7,000 members..within a month it was almost 11,000.

I now had built a list of 11,0000 people in a month, and knew EXACTLY what angle to use in all my messages to them.

I sent 3 message to the group a week, 2 were right-leaning updates on the election and how it relates to small business, and 1 that was also an update but transitioned into a pitch for a free report from my website.

I ended up getting 574 opt-ins in that month I ran that Facebook Group, and worked less than 1 hour total. I ended up making $13,797 off these leads. Not a bad trade-off.


The general idea is to create a Group that has NOTHING to do with your business…but does have a strong tie to something your prospects are passionate about.

If you have a local business (restaurant, carpet cleaner, auto shop, etc), a great one is to simply great a Group named, “{YOUR CITY} is the GREATEST Place on Earth”. Everyone with a local business should do a version of this one. Will work every time.

After you create the Group of Fan Page, invite all your local friend to get the ball rolling. They will most likely join this group…will feel guilty if they don’t.

Almost every single one of their friends that lives in your area, that sees the update on their friend’s page, will also join….then their friends, then their friends, etc.

If you business isn’t local, you’ll have to get more creative. You MUST KNOW WHO YOU WANT AS A CUSTOMER.

In both cases, you must make the name of the Group fun and have absolutely nothing to do with your business.


The whole key is to eventually get them to join your website’s mailing list. Because if Facebook goes away one day…you’ll lose contact with ALL those people.

So you need to push them to your website…where you should have a signup form to capture email address.


Take action! Create a Group or Fan Page right now that has NOTHING to do with your business, but can speak to your target audience.

Let me know your thoughts on this post in the comments below!

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